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Dr. Murali Nair's Website

Murali Nair, Ph.D. is an Adjunct Professor of Social Enterprise Administration at Columbia University. Prior to that, he was the Clinical Professor of Social Change and Innovation at the University of Southern California and before that he was the Professor and Co Director of the Center for Healing Across Cultures at Cleveland State University. He received his doctorate (PhD) in Social Work from Columbia University. For the past twenty years, Dr. Nair has been involved in cross national and cross-cultural field studies on Centenarians. His latest studies resulted in the development of short documentaries on the "Centenarian’s Secret of Long Life" in China, Hawaii and India. Also he has written several articles and taught undergraduate and graduate level courses on this topic.

At present Dr. Nair is working on a book titled Secrets of Long Life of Centenarians, mainly focusing on life styles from a cross cultural perspective. Dr. Nair is available to give lectures to service organizations and other groups. You may reach him at professornair@gmail.com

Article on

Centenarians in South Asia

Traditions are important in Kerala (southwestern India) and Sri Lanka. These areas are one of the few places in the world where matriarchal family systems still exist. These areas have an almost perfect literacyrate, and the infant mortality rate is lower than some of the cities in the United States, and there is a vibrant alternative health system.

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My Latest documentary on

China Centenarians - Life Style Factors

Documentary Cover
My Documentaries

These are my latest documentaries on China Centenarians - Life Style Factors, Super Centenerians Updated, Centenarians of Costa Rica: Secrets of Long Life and Healing Traditions of Ethnic Enclaves. They are also available in higher resolution in the documentaries page.

Please click here to go to documentaries page.